Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

HoW tO sTaRt A sMaLl BuSiNeSs

Here are tips to determine what type of business:

1. Starting from the one you like
You can start trying to open a business that fit with your favorite hobby or, for example water boom. Because when it's like, you will not get bored quickly and easily give up running it, although perhaps in the early days there will be many challenges.
2. Starting from that you have mastered
Or it could try to open a business that is already mastered your field. Waluapun inexperienced entrepreneurship, but I'm sure you have skills that can be utilized. For example, with your expertise in bookkeeping (accounting), you can start making financial services business for small business.
3. Search where your money goes
Another way you can do is to trace where your money goes so far. The purpose of opening a business is to increase the income is not, then you need to see how the money spinning. Transferred from consumers to sellers, agents water boom, manufacturers and so on. Let me see that you've been spending money to buy books, copies, meals, lodging, transportation and so forth. Carefully one by one the flow of money that you spend on public transportation driver, food entrepreneur, bookstores and so forth. There may be one of the gaps where you can enjoy the benefits of cash flow earlier.


TiPs WhEn PuRcHaSiNg An ItEm

To offer something of goods in shops, markets or whatever his name retail outlets then you must take and you have are:
1. Reference price:
At least you already know the average price of goods would be purchased so that there is a good benchmark to say cheap or expensive.
Basically there are no sellers who want to lose to sell the goods to you at a price below the purchase price the seller.
(unless of illegal goods or any other causes beyond the usual)

2. Type and Quality of Goods:
The type and quality of goods is very influential to the price of goods because prices always mengukuti quality goods.
While the types of goods themselves also play an important role to goods imported or local goods where imported goods could be affected by fluctuations in the dollar and local goods can be affected due to rising fuel prices or because of less or more stock for example. Remember the economic law bung ... Demand and Supply
3. Situation:
The situation also played an important role on the price of an item such as:
- the holiday season = more discounts and promo
- End of year clearance =
- Appears new product = product price falls old (like HP)
- etc.

As a result we must be very clever to choose which factors are most responsible for the environment of the place where we buy and very clever you precisely adjust the words with the salesman for the generosity and kindness to the price of the seller.